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Common Facts About Human Papiloma Virus (HPV)

Human Papiloma Virus

Common Facts About Human Papiloma Virus(HPV).

Human Papiloma Virus
Human Papiloma Virus

Human Papiloma Virus is a most common sexually transmitted infection. Larger percentage of sexually active men and women are exposed to the virus at some point during their lifetime.

Some types of HPV can lead to genital warts and others can cause some types of cancer.

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Statistically in United States, there are approximately 14 million newly diagnosed cases of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) annually.

Also, Each year, around 19,400 women and 12,100 men in the U.S. are affected by cancers that stem from HPV.

HPV can be spread through oral, vaginal, or anal sex. Sometimes, HPV can be transmitted during birth to an infant causing genital or respiratory system infections.

However, there is no cure for HPV but safe and effective vaccinations are recommended at the age of 11 to 12 years.

Salicylic acid can be used to treat some warts. Warts that result from HPV will often resolve without treatment.

In certain situations, surgical interventions may be necessary and include:

  1. CRYOTHERAPY: This method uses liquid nitrogen to freeze the abnormal areas.
  2. ELECTROCAUTERY: Electrical current is used to burn the abnormal areas.
  3. LASER THERAPY: A light beam removes unwanted tissue.
  4. INTERFERON INJECTION: This is rarely used due to the high risk of side effects and cost.